
Office Address

11119 Mccracken Cir #A,
Cypress, TX - 77429

Phone Number



Email Address

HiTech Industry

We provide research and development services to help clients explore and implement cutting-edge technologies, ensuring they remain competitive in their respective markets.

  • Research
  • IoT Integration
  • Cloud Services
  • Data Analytics

We provide end-to-end product development services, including ideation, design, prototyping, testing, and production. This can apply to hardware, software, or integrated systems. We offer strategic IT consulting services to help clients align technology with business goals, improve efficiency, and stay competitive in the market.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

TekGlobal provide AR and VR development services for applications in training, simulation, marketing, and entertainment. Create immersive training programs and simulations using VR to enhance learning experiences for various industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, or education. Build AR and VR experiences for marketing campaigns, allowing businesses to engage with their audiences in unique and interactive ways.

AR and VR Development Service

Our main focus on creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for a seamless AR and VR experience. Prioritize UX design to enhance user engagement and satisfaction. Utilize sensors and devices, such as motion controllers, haptic feedback, and eye-tracking technology, to enhance the realism and interactivity of AR and VR applications.

3D Modeling and Animation

We offer 3D modeling and animation services to create realistic and visually appealing virtual environments, characters, and objects for AR and VR applications.

Data Analytics and Insights

We provide analytics tools to track user behavior within AR and VR applications, offering valuable insights for optimizing content and user experiences.

Entertainment and Gaming Applications

We develop immersive VR games and entertainment applications that provide users with engaging and realistic experiences.

Implement features that allow users to interact with virtual environments or objects in real-time, creating a more dynamic and engaging experience. Enable multi-user collaboration in VR environments, allowing users to interact with each other in real-time. This is particularly useful for collaborative training scenarios or virtual team-building exercises.