
Office Address

11119 Mccracken Cir #A,
Cypress, TX - 77429

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Email Address

Oil and GAS

We provide comprehensive asset management solutions to track and monitor equipment, machinery, and infrastructure. Include features for maintenance scheduling, condition monitoring, and performance optimization.

  • IoT Integration
  • IOC solution
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Geographical Information Systems

We integrate remote sensing technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) devices for real-time monitoring of assets. This could include sensors on equipment, drones for aerial surveys, and connected devices for remote diagnostics. We implement IOC solutions that centralize monitoring and control of various operations, including drilling, production, and safety. Provide real-time data visualization and analytics for efficient decision-making.

Supply Chain Management System

TekGlobal offer supply chain management systems tailored to the oil and gas industry. Include features for procurement, inventory management, and logistics optimization to ensure timely and cost-effective operations. We enable the monitoring and management of supplier relationships. Include features for supplier performance evaluation, collaboration, and risk assessment to ensure a reliable and efficient supply chain.

Integration with ERP Systems

We ensure seamless integration with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to maintain consistency across financial, procurement, and inventory management processes.

Real-time Data Synchronization

We enable real-time data synchronization between your supply chain management system and the ERP. This ensures that information related to financial transactions, procurement, and inventory is consistently up-to-date across both platforms.

Two-way Communication

Establish two-way communication between the supply chain management system and the ERP. This enables seamless updates in both systems, preventing data discrepancies and ensuring accurate reporting.

Automated Workflows and Processes

Streamline workflows and processes by automating data transfer between your solution and the ERP system. This includes automated generation of purchase orders, invoices, and inventory updates.

TekGlobal provide mobile accessibility to ensure that key stakeholders can access and monitor the supply chain system on the go. This is particularly important for field personnel and decision-makers who may need real-time information. Design the system to be scalable, accommodating the changing needs and growth of oil and gas operations.